Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh god. I'm taking remedial classes. Shit shit shit.
Fvck you remedial classes! Fvck you summer '10!
Why'd you have to be so boring? :((

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Newest addiction :))


Ellis: Holy shit guys, KIDDYLAND!!!!

Nick: He's like a 5 year old, WITH GUNS.

HAHAHA. =)) GoodBye waveboard, hello Left4Dead2. :-h
Say hello to my newest addiction. :")
I love Ellis. :">

"You're the most beautiful thang I've ever sat between..

XD :"> Haaaawt!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'd like to say thank you
to all the bitches who talk behind
my back and made me the center of their lives.